group discussion guides

Based on our daily encouragements, these guides are designed to help facilitate small group discussions with people who may be interested in reading the Bible.

If this interests you, pray about who you could ask to join you, invite them to catch up in a neutral, relaxed venue and work through the guide. Each guide provides further information about how to start a group. If you would like further support in starting or facilitating a group, or would like access to more guides please contact Tom.

how to live a fruitful life

How fruitful is your life? What is your source of life?

Download the pdf here.

who's voices do you listen to?

This guide explores the different voices that we trust and that influence our lives. It looks at why Jesus is a good shepherd that we can trust.

Download the pdf here.

how can I be accepted by God?

This guide explores what makes us acceptable to God.

Download the pdf here.

just an ordinary person?

This guide facilitates discussion about they type of people God chooses to use.

Download the pdf here.

how can people relate to God?

This guide facilitates discussion about the old and the new way of relating to God.

Download the pdf here.

what role does belief play in salvation?

This guide facilitates discussion on the topic of belief and why it is an essential part of following Jesus.

Download the pdf here.

how do we understand what Jesus has done for us?

This guide creates a discussion around wisdom and advice and how the way of Jesus is a gift to receive.

Download the pdf here.

have you ever felt that God was far away?

This guide works through the question of why God might appear silent and why our prayers may feel unheard.

Download the pdf here.

what motivates you to do good?

This guide helps us on why we might do our good works and how we can care for others in a way that shows genuine love.

Download the pdf here.

how do we process situations that don't work out the way we hoped?

What do we do when we thought God would intervene and He doesn't seem to? This guide helps us work through situations that don't work out for the best.

Download the pdf here.